Privacy Policy
Welcome to Fraggle Reef.
Fraggle Reef ("us", "we", or "our") operates (hereinafter alluded to as "Service").
Our Privacy Policy oversees your visit to, and clarifies how we gather, defend and reveal data that outcomes from your utilization of our Service.
We utilize your information to give and improve Service. By utilizing Service, you consent to the assortment and utilization of data as per this policy. Except if in any case characterized in this Privacy Policy, the terms utilized in this Privacy Policy have indistinguishable implications from in our Terms and Conditions.
Our Terms and Conditions ("Terms") administer all utilization of our Service and along with the Privacy Policy comprises your concurrence with us ("understanding").
Sorts of Data Collected
Individual Data
While utilizing our Service, we may request that you give us certain actually recognizable data that can be utilized to contact or distinguish you ("Personal Data"). By and by recognizable data may incorporate, however isn't restricted to:
- Email address
- First name and last name
- Phone number
- Address, Country, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City
- Cookies and Usage Data
We may utilize your Personal Data to reach you with bulletins, showcasing or special materials and other data that might hold any importance with you. You may quit getting any, or all, of these interchanges from us by following the withdraw interface.
Utilization Data
We may likewise gather data that your program sends at whatever point you visit our Service or when you get to Service by or through any gadget ("Usage Data").
This Usage Data may incorporate data, for example, your PC's Internet Protocol address (for example IP address), program type, program form, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, one of a kind gadget identifiers and other symptomatic information.
At the point when you get to Service with a gadget, this Usage Data may incorporate data, for example, the sort of gadget you use, your gadget extraordinary ID, the IP address of your gadget, your gadget working framework, the kind of Internet program you use, novel gadget identifiers and other symptomatic information.
Following Cookies Data
We use treats and comparative following advances to follow the action on our Service and we hold certain data.
Treats are records with a limited quantity of information which may incorporate a mysterious one of a kind identifier. Treats are sent to your program from a site and put away on your gadget. Other following advancements are additionally utilized, for example, guides, labels and contents to gather and track data and to improve and investigate our Service.
You can teach your program to reject all treats or to show when a treat is being sent. In any case, in the event that you don't acknowledge treats, you will most likely be unable to utilize a few parts of our Service.
Utilization of Data
Fraggle Reef uses the gathered information for different purposes:
- to give and keep up our Service;
- to tell you about changes to our Service;
- to give client care;
- to accumulate investigation or important data with the goal that we can improve our Service;
- to screen the use of our Service;
- to recognize, forestall and address specialized issues;
- to give you news, extraordinary offers and general data
Security of Data
The security of your information is essential to us however recall that no strategy for transmission over the Internet or technique for electronic capacity is 100% secure. While we endeavor to utilize monetarily adequate intends to ensure your Personal Data, we can't ensure its outright security.
Connections to Other Sites
Our Service may contain connections to different destinations that are not worked by us. On the off chance that you click an outsider connection, you will be coordinated to that outsider's site. We unequivocally encourage you to survey the Privacy Policy of each site you visit.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may refresh our Privacy Policy every once in a while. We will advise you of any progressions by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
We will tell you through email or potentially a conspicuous notification on our Service, before the change getting viable and update "viable date" at the highest point of this Privacy Policy.
You are encouraged to survey this Privacy Policy occasionally for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are successful when they are posted on this page.
Get in touch with Us
In the event that you have any inquiries concerning this Privacy Policy, if you don't mind get in touch with us by email: